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Dear Parents and Carers,
It is wonderful to see all of our students settling into Term One so well especially our Kindergarten students who are having a wonderful time learning and making new friends.
All students have now taken home our ‘All About Stage’ handout that outlines learning and events that will be happening in your child’s class and stage throughout the year. Later on in the term we will hold our three way goal setting interviews where you can meet your child’s teacher and discuss your child’s goals.
Following the success of our recent swimming carnival, some of our students attended the and Zone swimming carnival today and represented our school and we are very proud of their achievements.
The School Book Fair comes to an end this afternoon in our school library. A big thank you to Mrs Urzua for organising the book fair and to all our families who have supported the book fair by purchasing books. What a great way to encourage the love of reading!
Mrs Adams, Miss Lewis and our Senior Choir students have been working very hard over the last few weeks as they prepare for Pulse Alive concert. Tomorrow they will attend the Pulse Alive rehearsal in preparation for the main event on Thursday 20th March.
If you are interested in learning more about the PaTCH (Parents as Teacher Classroom Helpers) Program, please join Mrs Kraljevic this Friday 7th March from 9:30-11:30am to hear more about this valuable program and ask questions. All interested parents will receive an expression of interest form to complete on Friday.
Our students in Years 3 & 5 will sit for the NAPLAN tests in writing, reading, language & conventions and numeracy from Wednesday 12th March until Monday 17th March. Make up tests will be on Tuesday 18th March.
Our School Photo Day for 2025 is Wednesday 19th March. If you wish to order school photos and pay online please go to and use the code X1315PC53P to purchase photos.
At this stage, many of our students are not permitted to appear in the school photos as we have not received parental consent. Can I ask that all parents check the 'Forms' page of their School Bytes parent portal to ensure that all permission notes have been completed.
Looking forward to another busy fortnight of learning and events at PEPS.
Kind regards,
Justine Miller
The Parramatta East P&C is gearing up for a fantastic 2025, with some exciting fundraising events in store! The Annual General Meeting was held on February 17, 2025, with the following members voted in for the P&C Executive Roles:
President: Peta Zammit
Vice-presidents: Ainslie Scully and Jenny Coleman
Treasurer: Amber Kankane
Secretary: Greta Dumbleton
For many of the fundraising events throughout the year, we will be calling on parents and carers to assist on the day – for example, the annual Mother’s Day stall and Father’s Day stall. Last year, we had a terrific turnout of helpers, and we look forward to more great support this year. These fundraising events can't be run without the help of our wonderful school community.
The first fundraising event for 2025 will be the annual Easter Raffle draw. Further details will be coming out shortly, and the raffle winners will be announced at the Easter Hat Parade.
Next up is our Mother’s Day stall, which will be held on Wednesday, May 7. Children are encouraged to bring cash on the day to buy gifts, with a range of beautiful options for sale, including pens, mugs, jewellery, notepads, stationery sets, on-the-go breakfast containers and much more. Alternatively, gift pre-orders are available – a note will be given to children in the coming weeks, which you can fill out and promptly return to the school. Mother’s Day gift pre-orders will close on Wednesday, April 9 (just before the school holidays) – all order forms and payments must be made by this date. Payment details will be provided on the order forms.
P&C Meetings are held on the third Monday of each month (during school terms only) via Zoom, and all parents and carers are welcome to join. You do not have to be part of the P&C Executive Team to be active in the P&C. Meetings are held at 7pm and generally go for 30-45 minutes, and provide an opportunity to hear from the school Executive Team about the exciting things happening throughout the school. We look forward to seeing as many of you online as possible.
The P&C’s main purpose is to raise funds to provide the school with additional resources that directly benefit our children. We hope to see you at the monthly Zoom meetings or around the school grounds at events. If you have any questions, please reach out to: or you can follow us on Facebook.
Dear families,
Please view the attached information regarding Kiss and Drop at PEPS. A reminder that students must wait inside the school grounds with the teacher and will be called when your car is visible.
To sign up for Kiss and Drop, please contact the school via email.
Each year the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is sat by students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. Students will participate in tests for writing, reading, conventions of language (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy.
NAPLAN 2025 will take place from Wednesday 12 March to Monday 24 March.
The Testing Dates at PEPS Are:
Wednesday 12th March
Year 3 & Year 5 Writing (9:30-10:30am)
Thursday 13th March
Year 3 & Year 5 Reading (11:45am-12:45pm)
Friday 14th March
Year 3 & Year 5 Language Conventions (9:30-10:30am)
Monday 17th March
Year 3 & Year 5 Numeracy (9:30-10:30am)
For stduents who are absent on the date of the assessment, catch-up testing will occur once they have arrived back at school.
NAPLAN is just one part of our school’s learning assessment program. The tests assess literacy and numeracy skills your child is already learning at school, so the best preparation is their everyday classroom learning. Our school will also undertake activities to help students become familiar with the types of questions and tools available in the online tests.
The public demonstration site ( is available for you to see the format of the online tests.
Further information about NAPLAN is available on the NESA website ( and the NAP website ( If you have any questions about NAPLAN, please contact the school office.
K Gunyagunya have been busy practising their fine motor skills through a variety of activities. Students have an opportunity to use their cutting skills to create frilly paper animals! Playdough is used to help identify letters and formation. Sounds sorts are another great way children learn to distinguish between single sounds.
1 Burra has had an energetic start to the year. We have been realising that there is a big jump in learning from Kindergarten to Year 1. We have started our new phonics and spelling program - UFLI - and have been learning how to manipulate sounds to create new words. 1 Burra loves using the magnetic letter trays to spell words with our focus sound. We have also been revising what good writing looks like, and what it needs to have. Together we have created a Writing Rule Kit - things our writing needs to have every single time we write. We have also been revising how to identify and use nouns, adjectives and verbs in our writing. 1 Burra has had lots of fun using highlighters to prove that we are successful in using these types of words in our writing. Check out our examples below.

4 Wombady have been completing fun Maths activities on subtraction using an algorithm and drawing cats during Visual Arts. Roary has been observing and helping out where he can. It has been an amazing start to the year in 4 Wombady!

On Thursday the 20th of February, we had our combined swimming carnival with Bayanami, Parramatta West and Parramatta North Public School at Parramatta Aquatic Centre. Although the weather looked a little cloudy and the water was a little cold, students swam wonderfully! The first stroke to be swam was freestyle, starting off with the 8 year old boys and finishing with the 12 year old girls. Students had to remember to come up for air to breathe! It was followed by breaststroke, backstroke and finally butterfly. Once the 50m races were complete, it was time to move on to the 100m freestyle and individual medley which proved to be tiring! It was nice to see students from our school make some new friends with students from our neighbouring schools. Everyone enjoyed cheering on their competitors and supporting their friends in their races. Thank you to all the parents who joined us for the day. Notes for Zone Swimming have been handed out to students, and we look forward to our competitors competing against other schools on Wednesday the 5th of March.

Older Adults Needed for Intergenerational Playgroup Research Program We are seeking older adults (65+) to join a 20-week intergenerational program under the “INTEGRITY” research trial. This program pairs preschool-aged children with older adults for fun and meaningful activities, aiming to enhance health and wellbeing for all participants. Similar to the playgroup seen on the ABC Program 'Old People's Home for 4 Year Olds'.
Starting soon, this 20-week program involving 2-hour weekly sessions will be held at a nearby local preschool!
Eligibility requirements apply. For more details or to get involved: Call +61 2 8052 4365, email or visit