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Dear Parents & Carers,
A warm welcome back to another year at Parramatta East PS. A special welcome to all our new families that have joined us this year. We trust that everyone had an enjoyable and restful holiday and have settled back into the school routine.
Due to fluctuating numbers we have had to maintain a ‘holding pattern’ to determine our classes. I’m pleased to say that we have been able to form our classes effective Monday, 17th February, 2025 with some slight changes.
As part of this we will have four composite classes.
In primary schools, classes are organised in a variety of ways. Composite classes are one such type that may be used within schools as part of the class planning for a school year. Composite classes are commonly found in all schools, yet this structure can be quite different to a parent’s expectation for class structures because of their own experience of schooling.
All classes within a school will include a range of ages and ability. From Kindergarten, children can be enrolled at any age between 4 ½ years and 6 years of age, a difference of 18 months. Such an age range continues throughout schooling regardless of the class structure. Classes which include two or more year levels have traditionally been called composite classes. In recent times, these classes have also been labelled stage-based, multi-age or family classes.
There are two reasons why composite classes will be formed instead of, or in addition to, parallel/straight classes:
Administrative - the NSW Department of Education’s (DoE’s) state-wide school staffing formula is applied to a school’s enrolment data, informing a school as to how many staff will be appointed to that school. Students in Years K-2 attract a higher “staffing allocation” than Years 3- 6 classes. This enables schools to keep classes smaller in the K-2 classes. According to the number of students in each year group, classes will be formed to maintain the smaller class sizes whilst also meeting, not exceeding, the staffing allocation provided by the DoE.
Educational - classes are formed on the basis of educational rationale which include social, emotional and academic needs of students, teaching styles which best suit each child and the types of programs available within a school for different learning needs.
At Parramatta East Public School we take into account both of these reasons when forming our composite classes.
Below is a list of our staff and class names for 2025.
Executive Staff
Principal: Justine Miller
Deputy Principal: Julianne Smith
Rel. Deputy Principal (Wednesday)/ APCI: Will Carr
Rel. APCI: Shalona Goundar (Wednesday)
Assistant Principal (Kindergarten): Simone Gronau
Assistant Principal (Stage 1): Irena Kraljevic
Assistant Principal (Stage 2): Leah Andrews
Assistant Principal (Stage 3): Matthew Teasdale
Class Teachers
K/1 Gilbanung: Simone Gronau (AP), Suzanne Humble (Thursday)
K Gunalung: Maryanne Abouchanab
K Burudyara: Suzanne Humble (Monday), Juolin Baird (Tues-Friday)
K Gunyagunya: Helen Moraitis
1 Burra: Eleanor Lewis
1 Gula: Mirabelle Youssef
1/2 Gudugulung: Irena Kraljevic (AP), Suzanne Humble (Friday)
2 Bubug: Mani Malik
2 Gunggung: Dean Willis
3 Warin: Samanth Palmer
3 Dingoo: Leah Adams
3/4 Murawung: Leah Andrews (AP), Jeremy Yeo (Thursday)
4 Wombady: Andrew Kim
4/5 Windradyne: Matthew Teasdale (AP), Jeremy Yeo (Tuesday)
5 Baludarri: Shalona Goundar (Rel AP C & I), Jeremy Yeo (Wednesday)
5 Goolagong: Ciara Timoney
6 Freeman: Kirrilly Dabinett (Mon-Thursday), Jeremy Yeo (Friday)
6 Pemulwuy: Zachary Gee
Specialist Teachers
Johanna Urzua
Taran Harvey
Helen Mostris
Kate Kovac
Anjulie Allan
Jennifer Petersen
Kallie Smith
Alex Lai
Emma Benson
Jillian Devine
SASS Staff
School Administrative Manager: Tracey Jacka
School Administrative Officers:
Rebecca Giddy
Kelly Crawley
School Learning Support Officers:
Catherine Saddik
Dalia Maroun
Leanne Bohannon
Narelle Giddy
Macy Leong
Ali Oliver
Chantal Adams-Ayoub
General Assistants:
Greg Roy
School Psychologists: Lini Lomov (Thursday)
Stephanie OHare (Monday)
Each year the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is sat by students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. Students will participate in tests for writing, reading, conventions of language (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy.
NAPLAN 2025 will take place from Wednesday 12 March to Monday 24 March.
The Testing Dates at PEPS Are:
Wednesday 12th March
Year 3 & Year 5 Writing (9:30-10:30am)
Thursday 13th March
Year 3 & Year 5 Reading (11:45am-12:45pm)
Friday 14th March
Year 3 & Year 5 Language Conventions (9:30-10:30am)
Monday 17th March
Year 3 & Year 5 Numeracy (9:30-10:30am)
For stduents who are absent on the date of the assessment, catch-up testing will occur once they have arrived back at school.
NAPLAN is just one part of our school’s learning assessment program. The tests assess literacy and numeracy skills your child is already learning at school, so the best preparation is their everyday classroom learning. Our school will also undertake activities to help students become familiar with the types of questions and tools available in the online tests.
The public demonstration site ( is available for you to see the format of the online tests.
Further information about NAPLAN is available on the NESA website ( and the NAP website ( If you have any questions about NAPLAN, please contact the school office.
Application for OC and Selective HS Entry 2026
For any families intending to apply for entry into a Selective High School for Year 7 2026 or Opportunity Class for Year 5 2026, please see below the application guides and timelines for those applications.
If you have further questions about this process, please contact Mr Teasdale for Selective High School inquiries and Miss Andrews for Opportunity Class inquiries.
To register your application, click below.





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Welcome to 2025. It has been a fun week in 1/2 Gudugulung getting to know each other. We have had some laughs and have enjoyed hearing about each other's summer holidays. We had some rainy afternoons which prevented us from going outside for sport. Luckily Mrs Kraljevic has some pool noodles and we have learnt a new sport called Cardio drumming to music. Here are some pictures of our class in action. We are all looking forward to a great year of learning together.

It has been a busy and exciting start to the year in 3/4 Murawung!
The perfect opportunity to begin our writing came on 10 February, when just after recess the storm rolled over. We watched as the buildings in Parramatta's CBD disappeared and reappeared, the rain was swept sideways by the strong winds, trees swayed and lightning flashes quickly appeared in the sky. This was an exciting moment as our model text in writing is set in a storm also.
We have welcomed Roary (the lion) in our room, who has joined us for our learning across all subjects. Roary, Samson and Edward (the emu) sat with our class as they completed some of their learning.

Dear families,
Please view the attached information regarding Kiss and Drop at PEPS. A reminder that students must wait inside the school grounds with the teacher and will be called when your car is visible.
To sign up for Kiss and Drop, please contact the school via email.
Dear families,
It its important to remember that road rules and parking guides are in place to increase the safety of all road users including vulnerable pedestrians and accommodate the various needs of residents, school communities and local business. Motorists are required to always park and drive legally.
To encourage safe road user behaviour around schools, Transport for NSW have created new School safety fact sheets that offer families advice on:
- Holding your child's hand
- Walking safely together to and from school
- Children’s and supervised crossings
- Driving and parking safely near schools
- 40km/h school zones
- Driving safely near school buses
- Keeping your child safe in and out of vehicles
- Keeping your child safe when driving to and from school
- Wearing helmets and riding safely
- Helping your child around buses
- Seatbelt safety on the bus - primary students
The fact sheets can be downloaded from the Centre for Road Safety website Safety around schools | Transport for NSW section.